Media Coverage | 08/16/2016

Frank Angileri Featured in Bloomberg BNA

Team Contact: Frank Angileri

  • IP Litigation
  • patent-litigation
  • trademark-litigation

SOUTHFIELD, Mich. – Brooks Kushman Shareholder Frank A. Angileri was featured in Bloomberg BNA’s August 11, 2016 article, “Federal Judge Shortages Take Toll on Business Litigation.”

The article discusses the potential impacts of the Senate’s sluggish pace in filling federal judicial vacancies have on the ability to resolve key cases, including intellectual property disputes. So far the Senate has failed to confirm more than eight district court judges and one circuit judge, holding up a number of cases, especially business litigation. However, according to the article, changes to patent law, such as inter partes review, created under the America Invents Act are helping expedite some IP cases that would otherwise have been delayed due to vacancies.

According to Angileri, “These new inter partes review procedures may have a bigger impact than vacancies. There have been more filings than expected.”

Angileri’s litigation experience spans across various technologies and industries including, automotive, consumer electronics, industrial technologies, food and beverage, and home appliances. He also serves as co-chair of Brooks Kushman’s Post-Grant Proceedings practice, focusing on new administrative trial procedures created under the America Invents Act.

The full article can be found on the Bloomberg BNA website here.

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