Media Coverage | 01/24/2011

Brooks Kushman President Weighs in on a Detroit-based Satellite USPTO

Team Contact: Mark Cantor


“Patent Office Should Help Innovators”
Michigan Lawyers Weekly

January 24, 2011  Earlier this year, the Detroit area was selected as the location for the first satellite United States Patent and Trademark Office. In the Michigan Lawyers Weekly article “Patent Office Should Help Innovators,” Brooks Kushman President Mark Cantor discusses his perspective on the new office:

“I think it`s going to be a very nice perk for intellectual property firms, it will keep people connected,” Cantor said. “There`s nothing better than sitting down face-to-face with him or her (examiners), and there`s only so much to be picked up by the written word. We have a lot of cases where we`d like to go in person, but in a lot of cases, it`s cost prohibitive.”

For the full article, please visit: Michigan Lawyers Weekly

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