
Protection for the original work performed by our clients’ employees can be a critical element of their success. The significant investment of time and resources our clients make in computer software, creative design, written materials, recordings, and the like warrants the most stringent level of protection available.

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Safeguard Your Work: Expert Guidance from a Copyright Infringement Lawyer

Copyright protection is a multifaceted process that begins before a copyright is officially registered. The right strategy helps ensure that your application is approved and protects you against future allegations of infringement. The team of copyright lawyers at Brooks Kushman works with clients to provide copyright services at every step of the way, including:

  • – Perfecting copyright registrations
  • – Formulating policies to prevent infringement claims
  • – Litigating on behalf of copyright owners
  • – Defending against allegations of infringement
  • – Structuring work-for-hire arrangements
  • – Developing employment policies to ensure proper copyright assignment
  • – Monetizing copyrights through licensing deals and other contractual assignments
  • – Negotiating and structuring agreements to acquire existing copyrights

International Copyright Services

Our copyright attorneys can help protect the intellectual property of our clients within the United States and abroad. With connections to a global network of foreign associates, we are prepared to offer a full range of international copyright services, including litigation, for clients who need support beyond U.S. borders.
