SOUTHFIELD, Mich. – In a recent article published by the Association for Corporate Counsel (ACC), Brooks Kushman Shareholder John LeRoy discusses the benefits and risks associated with using open source software (OSS), and how businesses can identify and manage these risks.
Working with specialized legal and technical professionals, like those at Brooks Kushman, can help companies understand what OSS is included in their products, the applicable license terms of those products, and can help them prepare a plan to comply with those terms.
LeRoy`s practice focuses on software patent litigation and appeals. He is the Chair of Brooks Kushman`s OSS audit and compliance practice, advising clients and software developers on the proper use and distribution of OSS.
Gatti`s practice focuses on domestic and foreign patent prosecution in the electrical and mechanical arts. His practice expands beyond patent prosecution and includes advising clients on the use of open source software and understanding the complex software licenses and their obligations.
To read the full article, please visit the ACC website.
About Brooks Kushman P.C.
Brooks Kushman P.C. is a leading intellectual property (IP) and technology law firm with offices across the nation, and represents clients nationally and internationally with respect to protection, enforcement and monetization of IP, including patents, trademarks, copyrights and trade secrets. The firm has more than 90 intellectual property professionals specializing in various technical disciplines, and has a reputation for providing leading IP counseling with a focus on the business objectives of their clients.
Brooks Kushman counts a number of Fortune 100 companies across a variety of industries among its clients. The firm is also recognized by leading legal publications and rankings, including Corporate Counsel magazine, U.S. News & World Report, Law360, Intellectual Asset Management, Managing Intellectual Property, and Intellectual Property Today. For more information, please visit