Portfolio Management & Analytics

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A patent portfolio can be among a company’s most valuable assets. But managing IP portfolios involves a lot of challenges. Pursuing licensing opportunities, strategic patent utilization, and enforcement can all help offset annual maintenance and renewal fees, but finding those opportunities can be time consuming and cost prohibitive, particularly when large portfolios are involved. Brooks Kushman has extensive experience helping Fortune 500 companies, universities, and small-to-medium sized businesses manage their IP budgets by making data-driven portfolio management decisions.

Our analytics team works with powerful, cutting-edge technology to evaluate and develop IP portfolio strategies tailored to each client. With access to a wealth of data about the competitive landscape, our lawyers are able to provide clients with insightful reports so that we can collaborate on strategic plans and make informed, cost-effective management decisions.

With this technology, we’re able to efficiently evaluate portfolios to minimize costs, identify opportunities for monetization, and obtain strategic defensive information. This includes:

  • – Finding potential licensing opportunities by monitoring when a client’s patents and applications are used as prior art
  • – Reviewing rejected applications and corresponding products determine if a license offer is advisable
  • – Evaluating rejection data as a starting point for considering targeted continuation filings

Brooks Kushman offers a full range of intellectual property licensing services, from identification and license drafting to enforcement and protection against future audits.


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Brooks Kushman Welcomes Reid Baldwin, Ph.D.

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